Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Encapsulation and Decapsulation

Encapsulation and Decapsulation

Encapsulation may be a method to cover or defend a method from the chance of outdoor interference or misuse of the system whereas simplifying the utilization of the system itself, conjointly makes one kind of network information packets to alternative information varieties. Encapsulation happens once a protocol that's on the lower layer receives information from the protocol that's at the next layer and place the info into an information format that's understood by the protocol. Access to the interior system thus organized through a collection of interfaces.
With the encapsulation of information into associate degree identity. a straightforward example encapsulation method within the method of mail delivery, if a letter would be sent however while not the envelope, address and postage. The letter ought to have associate degree identity so as to urge to the destination, if it doesn't have associate degree identity then the letter won't be able to get to the destination. Envelopes with address and stamp identical because the information encapsulation.
Encapsulation method varies in every layernya, the subsequent process:

1. at the start the info was created, once beginning the method of causation, the info fell through the applying layer (layer 7)
responsible for the exchange of data from the pc to the network, primarily this can be associate degree interface layer between network applications employed by users. may be mentioned that this layer serves to outline the request of the user. Then the info passed to the Presentation layer (layer 6), that layer is chargeable for decisive whether or not he must do the encoding on this request or to alternative kinds of travel
data. If the method is complete, following ditambahakan necessary info. Then forwarded to the session layer (layer 5) during which this layer can check whether or not associate degree application requesting the knowledge and verify that the services requested on the server. Any info are passed down an additional header of every layer. However, the process layer five, vi and seven generally it's not necessary to the header. This dikarena her no new info that must be processed.

2. information fell upon the Transport layer (layer 4), making certain that he already possessed a correct reference to the server and begin the method by changing the knowledge into the shape of segments. Error checking and merging information returning from identical application tired this transport layer and also the wholeness
data is bonded here additionally. L4PDU fashioned from this method.

3. following phase is forwarded to the Network layer (layer 3), here the segments received earlier and value-added the network address for the station to request and network address for the requested server. Segments are regenerate into a packet-packet, then network layer makes
Network header, during which there also are addresses the network layer, and placed L4PDU behind it, and fashioned L3PDU.

4. Then the packet-packet was passed to the info Link layer (layer 2) and also the packages were organized then be wrapped once more into the individual frames, one example of this method is to produce the waterproof address of destination and supply waterproof address that is then used that info to form a trailer.
Because a packet will be delivered via several devices and routers, this can be wherever the role of waterproof addresses in packets sent between a router and alternative routers. Then be transmitted to the media. All
yanng info value-added by every layer before (as associate degree actual file requests) should match into a size of 46-1500 bytes of information fields within the LAN frame. the info link layer is chargeable for causation the frame consistent with the topology used. L2PDU fashioned during this method.

5. Finally, the info fell upon the Physical layer (layer 1), info are taken from the supply to the destination. Since the physical layer frame isn't famous, he would pass that info into the shape of bits. The addition of the header doesn't occur at this layer. The Physical layer is related to the hardware. Finally, the bits
They'll be synchronous then regenerate into electrical signals within the sort of high and low voltage then transmitted through the media. Example of the cable to the destination, it's in accordance with the characteristics that confirm the physical layer of a layer sequence of events during which the bit stream moving through a physical medium.
At every layer there's LxPDU (Layer N Protocol information Unit), that may be a sort of bytes within the header-trailer on the info. PDU is that the processes on every layer of the OSI model. At every layer is additionally fashioned a replacement formation, the layer a pair of PDU together with the header and trailer is termed the frame formation. within the third layer is termed packet (packet). whereas in layer four ar known as segments (segments).
After the encapsulation method, then sent to the server and also the server can perform this method in reverse, i.e. from the physical layer to application layer, this method is termed decapsulation. If the encapsulation performed
packaging, then the decapsulation can perform the gap of the sheaths was through his layers.

Decapsulation method 

Decapsulation is that the inverse of the encapsulation method. Encapsulation is that the method of wrapping the info whereas the decapsulation method may be a method of gap packs. {the method|the method} was reversed from the encapsulation process. Encapsulation {the method|the method} starts from the topmost layer (Application Layer) to the bottom layer (Physical layer) whereas the decapsulation process starts from the bottom layer (Physical Layer) to the topmost layer (Application Layer)

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